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Secondary Division

Our secondary division is comprised of grades 7 through 12. It is our purpose to provide our students with curriculum and textbooks that are of the highest quality in conjunction with preparing them to effectively incorporate a biblical worldview. This includes resources from ABeka Book, BJU Press, and other administratively approved curriculum.

SMCA Staff Pictures 2024-2025 Fall-12_edited.jpg

John Hamel

Secondary Supervisor


We currently offer elective classes in math, foreign language, computer, industrial arts, journalism, art, music, and teacher's aide. We hope to expand our elective program in the years to come.


Our graduation requirements and course catalog of high school classes are college-preparatory and designed to give our alumni a solid foundation on which they can continue their development through higher education.


Core classes are rigorous and challenging, but we provide numerous opportunities through tutoring and after-school help for students who are struggling to improve.


Spiritual Life

Bible classes cover a variety of Scriptural topics and are designed to increase students' understanding of the Bible and to challenge them to mature in their walk with Christ.


During our weekly chapel service, the secondary students participate in a student-led worship music time and hear a timely message from God's Word given by a staff member or visiting speaker.




All secondary students have the opportunity to compete in a state wide fine arts competition each year.
A large number of categories are available for entry including Bible, Music, Art, Speech, and Academics.


Both our junior and senior high choirs work throughout the year to prepare for several programs and the annual fine arts competition.

Choir auditions are held at the beginning of each
school year.


Art is offered to all
6th graders each year.
All 7th - 12th graders may take either Art or Choir as an elective.


8th Grade Trip

Each September our 8th graders and parent chaperones head to the Creation Museum in Kentucky to experience a biblical explanation of our existence. We spend two days at the museum and then head over to Kings Island to close out the trip.



Psalm 51:10 says,"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and RENEW a right spirit within me". We jump start the year off by taking our 9-12 graders to Camp Berea for sessions, games, swimming and other fun adventures. This has become an important part of SMCA because it encourages our faculy and students to bond both socially and spiritually as we head into a new year together.


Senior Trip

Every spring our seniors embark on a one week excursion to North Carolina or the Virginia Beach area. 

Other Trips

​Other Field Trips include the Freedom Trail, Boston Museum of Art and Science, Wright Museum, Deerfield Fair, Capital Center for the Arts, and many more.


All secondary-aged students have the opportunity to be a member of a school club such as Chess Club, Cooking Club, Ping-Pong Club, Foreign Language Club, Model Rocket Club, and Craft Club. Clubs meet once a month and provide a welcome break from regular academics.


Student Body Chapels

Student Body Chapels are held once a month and are planned and run by a Student Body Council. Members of this council are nominated and elected each fall by the secondary students.

Other Events and Opportunities

Community Service provides high school students with the opportunity to serve those in their surrounding community by volunteering their time and labor.


Yearly special events include the Science Fair, Fine Arts Competition, Spring Play, High School Retreat, Junior/Senior Banquet, Athletic Banquet, Senior Trip, 8th Grade Trip, and regular field trips.


Our soccer, volleyball, and basketball teams compete against other schools within the New Hampshire Christian School Association and consistently win state and regional title.

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